Wow voice acting addon
Wow voice acting addon

Many of these are follow the leader type features.

wow voice acting addon

When I’m done I terminate this loop with “/dbm timer endloop” This creates an indefinite loop countdown timer where I can literally use dbms audio countdown as my 30 second repeater. So I do “/dbm timer cltimer 30 workoutloop” then step away from computer. I may be on my mat doing 30 or 60 second workout excersizes and need a way to time them better. I go a little further with this if I’m near computer afking in garrison (because that’s what we do in warlords). This would create a timer on my screen right there in tenaan that also has an audio countdown to double ensure I don’t miss it. Just so I don’t forget about it I might do “/dbm ctimer 660 Check Pizza”. For example, I might be doing dailies and put a pizza in the oven.

wow voice acting addon

These options can be used pretty much anywhere in game and the usages can get pretty creative. dbm help2 – can show tools more oriented to officers/raid leaders dbm help – Shows all the other slash commands and how to use them.

Wow voice acting addon